XBRL Reporting
With effect from 3 March 2014, Singapore incorporated companies (unless those exempted) are requires to file its financial statements in full XBRL Report according to a minimum requirement list within new ACRA Taxonomy 2013.
We offer competitive rates for full XBRL Reporting services as below:
- Preparation of Financial Statement Highlights *
- Dormant Private Limited Company
- Active Private Limited Company (Non-Consolidated Accounts)
- Active Private Limited Company (Consolidated Accounts)
- Public Listed Company
Please contact us at celia.chang@biltz-solution.com or leave a message for further information.
* Companies which are (1) Commercial Banks; (2) Merchant Banks; (3) Registered Insurers; and (4) Finance Companies, that are regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore; or Companies are allowed by law to prepare accounts in accordance with accounting standards other than SFRS, SFRS for Small Entities and IFRS and Insolvent EPC.